Yummly users will click through from Yummly to your page to get prep steps and other information about how to prepare the dish. Do not include multiple recipes on the same page, as these will NOT process onto Yummly.
Format your recipes
- Distinct recipe URL: The entire recipe should appear on a single web page. Yummly identifies the recipe by its unique url: http://www.recipe-site.com/recipe/chicken-pot-pie
- Distinct recipe title: For bloggers, you will want to have a clearly tagged title for the recipe that is separate/different than your blog post title.
- For example on a post titled, “My Apple Picking Trip” you may have your best apple pie recipe. You’ll want to make sure the recipe has its own title like “Apple Pie with Crumb Topping”
- Photo: minimum of 230px x 230px. However, the bigger the better for best display on iPads and tablets.
- Ingredients: grouped together, not spaced out between images and other content
- Prep steps: grouped together, not spaced out between images or other content.
- Servings: call out how many servings the recipe makes.
- Prep time: call out the time it takes to make the recipe
- Cook time: call out the time it takes to cook the recipe
NOTE: Many sites will post a story about their recipe but will always provide a cleanly formatted version of the recipe at the bottom of the page — even if they described the ingredients and prep steps in the narrative of their story. Example: http://www.browneyedbaker.com/bacon-jam-recipe/
Use microformats (but use them correctly)
Microformats are a way of tagging pieces of your recipe in a standardized way that Yummly and others understand. There are a couple of different microformat options for recipes that can be found here.
- h-recipe http://microformats.org/wiki/h-recipe
- schema.org/recipe http://schema.org/Recipe
Validate your data
Once you begin using microformats, make sure you are using them correctly. Validate your recipe pages to make sure you are tagging the elements of your recipes correctly.
Common Mistakes with microformats
- mixing values within other values. i.e. including prep steps in ingredient lists, including prep time, serving time in prep steps
- not labeling recipe name correctly with a microformat