Your recipe will be added to Yummly when it is ‘Yummed’ for the first time. This means that we will analyze the recipe, identify the ingredients, nutrition (USDA), metric/US unit conversions, select a photo, etc. and link off to the recipe on your site for the directions. Please note that it will take anywhere between a few hours to seven days for the recipe to be processed and turn into a searchable recipe on Yummly.
If your recipe will not process: If it’s been at least one week and your recipe hasn’t been processed yet, here are some things you can check to determine why it hasn’t processed into a recipe on Yummly:
- Microformats are used incorrectly with things tagged wrong
- Ingredients are misspelled
- The recipe contains ingredients we don't have in our database yet
- Ingredients and prep steps are listed in a non-typical manner
If you have Site Lock security on your website, we will need you to either remove it or have Site Lock remove the firewall from your site. SiteLock will likely ask you to get our IP address for whitelisting, but we are unable to provide that. They just need to remove the firewall from your site.
- Update your site's robots.txt file to allow our User-agent: Yumbot/1.0 You can find more information about robots.txt files and updating them here: